Church Project began in 2010 with 40 people in The Woodlands, TX and the conviction to be unashamedly biblical, irreducibly simple, understandably relevant, and radically generous. Since then, avoiding marketing strategies or typical growth models, Church Project The Woodlands would grow to over 5,000 people, help plant 20+ Churches and 100+ House Churches, and give away millions of dollars to church plants and ministry partners.


A Biblical, Simple, and Relevant Pursuit of Church.

Church Project Van Alstyne officially launched in January 2023 with a small group of people committed to pursuing this biblical ecclesiology as a church of house churches.

In mid-2022, we started as couples, singles, children and seniors meeting together to live out the Gospel with each other – sharing our joys, sorrows, challenges and victories as we walk through this life. Though imperfect, we know that following Christ means loving others more than ourselves and serving each other sacrificially, as needed.

Gathering together as a larger, collective group of house churches on Sundays is our way to worship together, celebrate God’s goodness, and explore ways to reach out to love and serve our local community.



“The reason I left you in Crete was so that you may put in order all that was incomplete and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.”

Titus 1:5


Church Project is overseen by a team of elders, a plurality of leaders. Elders oversee the general protection and direction, leadership, doctrine, and major decisions of Church Project. The Lead Pastor of each Church Project is the primary carrier of vision and mission, but is an equal Elder among the others.


Each Church Project operates with a lean staff. The majority of ministry at Church Project is carried out through our House Churches, overseen by the distributed leadership of our House Church Pastors. Additionally, the simplicity of our Sunday Gatherings reduces the need for additional staffing. Staff exists to equip the church to carry out ministry.

House Church Pastors

We want to change the way people see the Church, including the way they see pastors. In Scripture, the title and role of pastor was used to describe the leader of a decentralized House Church. We call, equip, and release capable Godly leaders who meet the qualifications of Elders listed in Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7 to carry out all the functions of a pastor through House Churches: benevolence, weddings, baptisms, funerals, and more. House Church Pastors are unified under the leadership of each Church Project’s Elders.

Finance Team

Every Church Project's finances are handled by an outside accounting firm, assisted by an in-house bookkeeper, & overseen by a Board of Directors.

core beliefs:

WE BELIEVE that God is the source of all love and good, and all things good come from God. The world is beautiful, and the world is broken. God created all things good, but we corrupted this creation. God loves us, and by His grace, delights and desires to rescue us and to restore us in our relationship with Him. God stepped into our broken world to give forgiveness and life to all who trust in His salvation, Christ as our Savior. Jesus died on the cross as a perfect substitute for our penalty of sin, and resurrected to overcome death caused by sin. Through faith in Jesus Christ – not being good enough or doing enough good – we are restored to a right relationship with God.

WE BELIEVE there is only one God, the uncreated Creator, who exists eternally as a Trinity of three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each member of the Trinity is fully and equally God, yet personally distinct from one another.

WE BELIEVE that God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, lived a sinless life, was crucified and died on the cross, was resurrected from the dead, and ascended to Heaven. 

WE BELIEVE the Holy Spirit of God comes to live within a person once they trust in Christ as their Savior. The Holy Spirit indwells all believers to live a powerful Christ-like life, to build an intimate relationship with God, to secure salvation, and to give gifts that build the church and spread the Gospel.

WE BELIEVE God created men and women to live in relationship with Him, but the first humans chose to rebel against God and brought sin into the world. Sin spread like a virus to all humans, and all have sinned, and our sin has separated us all from God.

WE BELIEVE that the Bible is God’s Word to us, written by men who were inspired by God. God wrote His Scriptures to reveal Himself to mankind, and to direct us in His best way to live life.

WE BELIEVE the church is God’s powerful plan for His people. Living in community as a diverse family, loving and serving and helping one another grow in our faith, we reveal God’s plan for restoring goodness into our world.