A diverse, discipleship community.

House churches meet in houses throughout our communities Sundays @ 5:30PM & 6:00PM or Mondays @ 6:00PM (except First Wednesdays). A typical House Church gathering will include time for fellowship, scripture, and prayer. We encourage you to find the House Church that is closest to you geographically and connect with the HC Pastor. They will give you directions to their house and answer any other questions you may have concerning House Church.


Each House Church is carefully selected and led by a qualified, trained, accountable pastor from Church Project who oversees the teaching, leadership, and care of each individual in their House Church.

HC 2: West Van Alstyne

Trea Madole, HC Pastor

Sundays @ 5:30 PM

Click to Learn More

HC 3: Van Alstyne

Justin McNair, HC Pastor

Sundays @ 6:00 PM

Click to Learn More

We are a Church
of House Churches.

Scripture instructed and described elements of the church that should work for all people, in all places, in all times. The church in Scripture, throughout history, and around the world, practiced:

+ DISTRIBUTED Pastoral Leadership

Beyond elevated and separated clergy, pastors from among the people in the congregation. A pastor available for all of the people.

+ DECENTRALIZED from Primary Place and Priest

+ DIVERSE Discipleship Communities Gathered Geographically

We are a CHURCH OF HOUSE CHURCHES: Many House Churches, connected together as one.